Yamaha CP-80 (CP-70) owner’s manual

Wow. So I just found a great owner’s manual site from Yamaha. I searched for ‘CP-80’ and easily found the owner’s manual for my Yamaha CP-80.


Go get ’em!

2 Responses to “Yamaha CP-80 (CP-70) owner’s manual”

  1. Funny you mention this…I went to Roland’s website just this morning before reading your post and found old manuals that I was not expecting to see, including Rhodes Mk-60/80 ones! It’s awesome that these companies are actually providing manuals for products decades old.

  2. Heavypiano says:

    Hope you are still playing and enjoying your CP80. I just picked one up locally from Craigslist in good condition. I’m really excited to have a piano with proper action again.

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