Designing the “Esspaul-o-tron”

In efforts to prepare for the Esspaul 2006 Fall tour, I’ve started sketches of the enclosure that will become the “Esspaul-o-tron”. The “Esspaul-o-tron” will be a multi-function unit. It will 1) Serve as a platform for keyboard, computer, PA amp and controls, and effect units, 2) Be an advertising unit to display the Esspaul brand name and 3) generate a near-field, high-energy, teleportation interface, capable of transitioning large crowds and objects to spatially-bound, bordering universes.

Here is the initial design (minus the teleporation hardware, as I’m having some trouble figuring out how that will exactly work, but I’m pretty sure duct tape will be involved):

Click this image for a larger version.

If any structural engineers or particle physicists happen upon this design, please let me know if I’m going to cause any serious damage by activating this thing…

3 Responses to “Designing the “Esspaul-o-tron””

  1. skebrown says:

    Can’t wait to see it in action :)

  2. paul says:

    We still need to make this thing man! There are a couple of reasons
    1:We need an organ sound for the old motucky stuff
    2:This idea with the backlit (ESSPAUL)sign in the front is an awesome idea for advertising as we play each club
    Basically Joe were going to be famous. Take care man


  3. Joe says:

    Agreed. The ESSPAUL signage is an essential part of our 3 step marketing campaign. But I believe that the item of business is what /name/ we will be playing under. If ESSPAUL is out, what is in?

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