Replacement latches for my Rhodes Mark V: the resolution

UPDATE: replacement latches for the Mark V can be found here:

Well, finally, after months of back and forth. I was able to order a single “extrusion mount twist latch” to try out on the case for my Rhodes Mark V piano. The three latches on the back of the case had broken off over the years and these replacement ones looked promising.

They fit perfectly in the extrusion, but I had to drill a new hole for the rivet. Not a big deal, considering.

I’m going to attach the latch soon, and then order 2 more to replace the other missing ones. So, if you are ever looking for replacement latches for your Rhodes Mark V case, let me know, and I’ll point you in the right direction.

4 Responses to “Replacement latches for my Rhodes Mark V: the resolution”

  1. Patrick says:

    Hello, I have a Mark V as well and I too need to replace some latches. If you could let me know where you acquired them, I would extremely grateful. I also plan on selling this bad boy when the latches are replaced. It is in great condition. It doesn’t have the original stand but comes with a heavy-duty
    Z stand. Do you think not having the original stand affects the value?
    Thanks a bunch.

    Patrick Jones

  2. tj says:

    I’m also looking for latches and I would LOVE it if you pointed me in the right direction!

  3. Joe says:

    Hey y’all. Sorry for not including more information here about the latches. I ordered them from Penn Elcom (part number – 7440). They ended up costing me about US$25 each.

    Their website is:

    Here is the page for the part:

  4. Ed says:

    If anyone’s following this, I’m making a latch order for the Mark V and will have 4-6 available for sale after the $100 min order from Penn-Elcom. Dblittle is not responding and their links are dead. Time to get this case working! And many thanks to Joe for this research.

    The new Penn-Elcom link is:

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